today my son woke me up asking me if he could make a cake for his grand parents...naturally i said NO coz he's too young to do anything in the kitchen...(he's barely 3 years old) but he was pestering me until i finally said OK Ok...but since my oven is out of commission...we have to make do with steaming the cake instead baking it.
so i brought out all the basic ingredients to make a cake and my son chose all the ingredients by himself...he wanted a chocolate cake he said chocolate is the BEST! (i must agree with him as i too love chocolate) then i weigh all the ingredients but he do all the sifting, mixing, folding...and my kitchen was the 'mother messiness' thanx to Daniel, my son...
he said one for maktok, one for nenek...
The recipe:
150g flour
200ml vege oil
250 fresh milk
1/2 can evaporated milk
100g sugar
100g cocoa powder
1tsp soda bikarbonate
1tsp baking powder
4 eggs
1tsp vanilla essence
How he did it:
- combine cocoa powder + sugar +evaporated milk + oil + fresh milk,
- then stir over heat for awhile about 5mins max.(this part i've to do it) then remove from heat.
- beat eggs in another bowl and pour in the above mixture.
- sift the flour and baking powder and the soda bikarbonate then
- finally fold the flour mixture into the cocoa mixture
- ready your baking pan or in our case heat proof tupperware, lined it with parchment paper then pour the cake mixture in...
- steam for 20-30minutes or until cake is done. (the steam must be hot so pre heat it first)